11 killed in southern india after getting electrocuted

During a religious ceremony held in Thanjavur city of Tamil Nadu state in southern India, 11 people were killed and 15 others were injured after they were electrocuted. According to the statement made by the police, 11 people, including 2 children, were electrocuted and 15 people were injured. Officials said some of the injured were in critical condition and the death toll could rise.

Police said in a statement that the electricity was cut off at the high voltage line in the region during religious ceremonies, but the electricity was not cut off at the ceremony held yesterday because the temple car was not high enough to reach the high voltage line. However, it was stated that the height of the temple carriage increased due to the decorations, and therefore it came into contact with the high voltage line and was electrocuted.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his condolences to the families of those who lost their lives and promised to help the families of the deceased about 2,600 dollars.

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