17 years old pilot sets 2 world records

Mack Rutherford from Belgium set 2 separate Guinness World Records with his microlight plane. During his air travel around the World, he traveled 52 countries and 5 continents in 5 months and obtained the titles “Youngest person to circumnavigate the world by aircraft solo (male)” and “Youngest person to circumnavigate the world by microlight solo (male)“.

“Just follow your dreams, no matter how old you are – work hard and move forward to achieve your goals,” the young pilot said.

Being the son of a professional pilot dad, Mack Rutherford broke the record of being the youngest pilot in the world at the age of 15. His step sister also set a world record as the “Youngest person to circumnavigate the world by microlight solo (female)” by traveling 52.000 kilometers alone at the age of 19.

BelgiumGuinness Worl RecordPilot
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