24th Day of Israeli Attacks on Gaza Strip


After 24 days of Israel’s attacks on the Gaza Strip, two Palestinians were killed during Israeli army raids on hospitals in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. These attacks, which began on October 7, have expanded to include intensified ground operations in the Gaza Strip. In one incident, Israeli soldiers killed two Palestinians and injured nine during a nighttime raid on Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin, West Bank. Additionally, 20 Palestinians were arrested during a raid in Ramallah. Since the start of the attacks on October 7, 114 people have died, and 1,600 people have been arrested in the West Bank.

The Türkiye-Palestine Friendship Hospital in the Gaza Strip has also suffered damage from airstrikes. Due to fuel shortages, some departments of the hospital, which is essential for cancer patients, have been forced to close. An estimated 9,000 cancer patients in the Gaza Strip face challenges in accessing treatment.

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