34 died in monsoon rains in India and Bangladesh

The monsoon rains brought life to a standstill in India and Bangladesh. At least 9 people died in the Indian state of Assam due to heavy rains. The homes of more than 2 million people living in the state were flooded. In Bangladesh, 21 people died as a result of lightning strikes. 4 more people died due to landslides caused by heavy rains. 3,000 villages and cultivated lands in the state of Assam were flooded as a result of the one of the largest rivers in the Asian continent Brahmaputra overflowed. Transport services in India were also affected by adverse weather conditions. Meanwhile, a train station in Haflong city in southern Assam was flooded and the train tracks were covered with mud. Osmani International Airport Director Hafız Ahmed announced that flights were suspended for 3 days due to the flood waters approaching the runways. In addition to that, the Indian army has been asked to rescue the stranded people, and assist the victims in the distribution of food, drink and essentials.

bangladeshindiaMonsoon rains
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