A dog sitting in Tesla’s driver seat blasted on social media

A dog sitting alone in the driver’s seat of a Tesla brand vehicle with autopilot feature in the US state of Texas become famous in social media. “I’m pretty sure there is no body in beside that dog. This is crazy. There is nobody in there. Is this legal,” man who record the video, Blake Missick, said while he unable to hide his confusion to the incident.

After video posted on social media, users divided into two sides. Some users state that video is a fiction and recorded intentionally to gain followers on social media. Meanwhile, Missick’s posting such videos before, Tesla’s autopilot’s feature of asking the steering wheel to be hold within 30 seconds, and the fact that the video taken lasted 29 seconds further strengthened this possibility. “No, no I wish I knew someone that owned a Tesla that’d be pretty cool but not, not involved with this one,” Missick said about claims that the video is a fiction.

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