A passenger in US landed a plane after the pilot fainted

An extraordinary event took place in the history of aviation in the US. The pilot of the small single-engine Cessna 208 suddenly fainted after the plane took off from Marsh Harbor International Airport in the Bahamas. One of the two passengers onboard immediately got in contact with the air-traffic control (ATC) at Fort Pierce and said, “I have a serious situation here. My pilot passed out. I don’t know how to fly the plane.” During conversation, Air-traffic Controller Christopher Flores asked the passenger that if he knew the plane’s location. After the passenger replied that he don’t know where he is, Flores then told the passenger to keep the wings straight and try to follow the shore north or south, slowly starting to descend. Meanwhile, it was determined that the plane was about 20 miles from Boca Raton Airport via Atlantic Airport. The Air-traffic Controller and certified Flight Instructor Robert Morgan contacted the passenger and gave him clear and concise instructions on the flight. Emergency response teams were sent to the runway and other vehicles and planes were removed from the runway. While the passenger, who had no flight experience, successfully landed the plane on the runway, first aid teams came to the passed out pilot’s rescue.

Cessna 208passengerPilotplaneUS
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