Afyonkarahisar Documentary Reveals Magnificent Sights

The images shot in Afyonkarahisar for a documentary project where the seasons in the city are described through classical elements, fascinated nature lovers. The shootings were shot by a team led by Hakan Yılmaz, a Research Assistant at Afyon Kocatepe University, and were carried out in many districts including the city center, Sandıklı and Sultandağı for about two years.


“We set out on a journey 2 years ago and recorded the nature of Afyon for four seasons on this road. We tried to reflect human’s love for nature. It is 30 minutes long and there are no words or narrators. It consists only of images and music,” said Hakan Yılmaz.

Gökten Ceylan – Gizem İde

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