Al-Quds day in Iran

Iranians in the Al-Quds Day rally in Tehran chanted “Down with the USA” and “Down with Israel” as they marched towards the University of Tehran, where Friday prayers are held. During the marches condemning Israel’s attacks in Palestine, Iranians carried Palestinian flags and placards of support for Palestine, while the Israeli flag was set on fire.

The march for Quds Day was attended by Iranian President Ibrahim Reisi, Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammed Bakir Ghalibaf, and Revolutionary Guards General Commander Hussein Selami. Iran’s President stated that Al-Quds Day is a day of unity and solidarity for the Islamic Ummah, and added, “This march represents the Islamic Ummah’s unity and the demise of the Zionist Israeli regime. Jerusalem will undoubtedly regain its independence, and Al-Quds Day marks the beginning of this process.” The Revolutionary Guards Army displayed missiles such as the “Khyber Shiken”, “Zelzal” and “Qadir” missiles.

Al-Quds Day was declared in 1979 by the late Ayatollah Khomeini, founder of the Islamic Iranian Republic, who called on the world’s Muslims to show solidarity with Palestinians on the last Friday of the fasting month of Ramadan.

Al-Quds DayIran
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