Nissan unveils lunar rover prototype

Nissan has unveiled a lunar rover prototype developed jointly with the Japan Space Exploration Agency (JAXA). The vehicle is designed for use on the lunar face and navigate the undulating lunar surface. The project development process continues with JAXA, but it is not yet clear when the rover will be ready for use, Nissan said. […]

two killed in australian flash floods

Flash floods from the Macintyre River inundated the town of Inglewood in Queensland, Australia. Two people were reported to dead. Hundreds of people were evacuated in the town as many households and workplaces were flooded. Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) crews announced that more than 30 rescue operations had been carried out, with more […]

Turkey’s Sivas is home to 950-year-old juniper

The Karacaören village in Turkey’s Sivas is home to a 950-year-old juniper monumental tree. The tree is officially registered by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, which is visited by many people every day. Some people coming from surrounding villages throw coin nearby the tree, or tie ropes to tree branches to make a wish. […]

3 people wounded after a shootout in Kocaeli city

Couple of suspects with vehicles and a group of suspects already on street at Gaziler Neighborhood opened fire to each other, leading a shootout in Kocaeli city, Turkey. After the shootout, 65 years old Hasbi G., 46 years old Mesut E. and a woman passing by in a taxi at that moment named Gül A. […]

person with space suit appears on istanbul metro

A person wearing space suit appeared taking the Istanbul metro in Turkey. The person looking like an astronaut drew passengers’ attraction as he travels around the city. Passengers took pictures of him, and enjoyed the unusual moments that liven up their day.

8 handmade firearm seized in operation against illegal gun workshop in Istanbul

Istanbul Provincial Gendarmerie Command Forces conducted an operation against a shack that turned into illegal gun workshop in Istanbul, Turkey. The operation conducted after gendarmerie got an information that suggests, owner of shack buys commercial blank guns form market and converting them into actual firearm by changing their barrels to shoot live ammunition. With that […]

WHO: At least 23 countries reported cases of Omicron

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced at the media briefing on Covid-19 that at least 23 countries from five of six WHO regions have now reported cases of Omicron, and the number is expected to grow. “WHO takes this development extremely seriously, and so should every country. I thank Botswana and South Africa […]

freight trains collide head-on in mexico

Two freight trains collided head-on in the Mexican state of Zacatecas, injuring six railway workers, including an engine driver, Zacatecas City Civil Defense Agency said. Ten corn-laden wagons were derailed. Emergency personnel transported the injured to the hospital. The collision was most likely caused by human error, according to preliminary information obtained by authorities. It […]

Turkish Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu met with US Secretary Of State Blinken

Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu continues his meetings in Riga, the capital city of Latvia, where he came to attend the Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs. Today, Çavuşoğlu got together with Latvia’s Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics and Norway’s Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt, as part of his official trip. Later on, Çavuşoğlu met with […]