death toll rises 88 in nepal floods

Death toll has risen to 88 in Nepal flash floods and landslides that caused by heavy rains. Spokesperson of the Ministry of Interior, Phanindra Mani Pokharel, said in his statement that 30 people are still missing and at least 23 injured due to floods and landslides to date. 27 houses have become unusable, authorities said.

guatemalan ex-soldiers storm congress building, demand compensation

Ex-soldiers, who served during the civil war between 1960 and 1996 in the Central American country of Guatemala, stormed the congress headquarters, protesting against Congress’s failure to pass a bill that would pay nearly $15,000 in compensation to every retired soldiers that served during the civil war. Guatemalan National Civil Police evacuated deputies and workers […]

Dissidents protest Greece-France defense deal

Several groups of protestors marched against the defense agreement between Greece and France in Athens and Thessaloniki Tuesday, witnesses said. Protestors dissent the $2.9 billion agreement that includes the purchase of three frigates from France. Chanting with slogans of “Peace”, demonstrators argued the frigates are not priority for the country, instead, the budget should be […]

21st International Ölüdeniz Air Games Festival begins in Turkey

The 21st International Ölüdeniz Air Games Festival began ahead of the participation of 1,500 parachuters from 40 different countries in Fethiye district of Muğla, Turkey. The festival started with a ceremony held in Babadağ, the world-famous paragliding spot in Turkey. The parachuters visual feast in the sky attracted many in the region. After the take-off, […]

International Baku Build-2021 fair holds for 26th time in azerbaijan

The 26th International “Baku Build-2021” construction fair and the 1st Rebuild Karabakh Fair held in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, opened their doors to visitors. Nearly 280 companies from 17 countries have participated in the fair. The Restoration, Reconstruction and Development of Azerbaijan International Karabakh Fair “Rebuild Karabakh” is being held for the first time […]

train derails after collision with abandoned car in australia

A passenger train collided with an abandoned car on a level crossing in Kembla Grande, New South Wales, Australia. Four passengers were injured after a railway wagon derailed following the crash. A man was spotted escaping from the abandoned car, witnesses claimed. The car reportedly stolen from a house in Flinders district. The investigation about […]

Russian warplanes intercepted U.S. planes over the Black Sea 

A pair of U.S. army planes flying over the Black Sea were scrambled by Russian warplanes on the grounds that they were approaching their borders, Russian defense ministry said Wednesday. Two Russian Su-30 fighter jets took off to identify detected air targets and prevent violations of the Russian Federation State Border. “Russian fighter crews identified […]

Olympic flame arrives in Beijing for 2022 olympic winter games

The Olympic flame, lit in Ancient Olympia in western Greece for the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games, arrived in Beijing on Wednesday morning. The Olympic Tower, an iconic landmark from the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, hosted a welcoming ceremony. Cai Qi, secretary of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee and president of the Beijing 2022 Organizing […]

Volcano erupts in Japan’s Aso, people warned to stay away

A Japanese volcano spewed ash into the sky after it erupted, raising the 5-scale volcanic risk warning level to 3, Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) announced Wednesday. Officials warned people to steer clear of the threat as Aso volcano on Kyushu island in the southwest of the country flows lava and falling rocks. No immediate reports of […]

Heavy hailstorm lashes Australia’s east coast

Hail storm across the east coast of Australia have damaged buildings and streets of Queensland Tuesday afternoon Australian Bureau of Metrology (BOM) said. While the severe storm warning for parts of Queensland continues, the roof of a shopping center store in Coffs Harbor on the north coast of the state of New South Wales (NSW) […]