communist party of china celebrates 100th anniversary

China celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China (CCP) with a ceremony in the capital Beijing. Many attended the ceremony watched the military demonstrations.  At the ceremony, Chinese President Xi Jinping made a speech expressing that they were against hegemony and power politics, and that those who try to oppress China would […]

amazing moments under sunset in Turkey

In Turkey, the beaches of Lake Van are one of the most beautiful places to watch the sunset in the region. The city Van presents amazing scene under sunset with beautiful nature and historical buildings. The place attracts many visitors and photographers.

france reopens completely as fourth stage of normalization process

In France, all restrictions are being lifted today as the fourth stage of normalization process except for indoor concerts and festivals. Although many restrictions have been lifted after decrease in the number of cases, social distance will prevail. There will be no restrictions on the number of people in public facilities such as shops, gyms, […]

thousands protest the government in sudan

In the capital Khartoum, Sudan, thousands of people protested economic crisis in the country. Protesters gathered in front of the presidential palace in the capital Khartoum, and demanded Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and his government to resign. They also called for political and economic reforms. Security forces used tear gas to disperse the crowd.

russia launches cargo rocket to the ISS

Russia announced that the launch of the rocket transporting cargo to the International Space Station (ISS) was carried out successfully. The rocket was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, and carries a total of 1,509 kg of supplies which consists of 470 kilograms of fuel, 420 liters of water, 40 kilograms of oxygen, maintenance and […]

children from gaza send peace messages to world

In Gaza, Palestine, children gathered as part of the event called World Messages of Gaza Children to express their desire to live away from Israeli attacks. Peace messages placed in bottles were left to the sea, messages tied to balloons were left to the sky. During the event, the children waved the flags of different […]

african countries lack distribution of covid-19 vaccination

Some countries in Africa lack distribution of vaccination. No vaccine has yet been provided to Tanzania, Western Sahara, Eritrea and Burundi. Morocco leading the African countries in terms of vaccination where more than 18 million of doses applied, while Kenya has not yet started the second dose of vaccination where 1,1 percent of the people […]

south africa hits record number of covid-19 cases

In the Republic of South Africa, the number of people died due do covid-19 has exceeded 60,000. 13,347 new cases were reported in the last 24 hours making the total number of cases in the country 1,954,466.  It is thought that the rapid spread of Delta mutation caused the increase in cases and deaths in […]

joint military exercise between turkey and azerbaijan carries on in baku

The joint military exercise Mustafa Kemal Atatürk 2021, which was held as part of the military cooperation agreement between Turkey and Azerbaijan, started in Baku. The aim of the exercise is to improve the coordination between the armed forces of the two countries during combat operations, and to improve the decision-making and military unit management […]

4 dies in truck accident in mexico

In Mexico, the brake malfunction on a truck caused a massive crash on the highway between the cities of Jalisco Guadalajara and Lagos de Morena at the Jalostotitlan toll booths. While 7 vehicles were damaged in the accident, 4 people died and 8 people were injured. The truck driver was detained and legal action was […]