US tests an explosive shock trial near florida

An explosive shock trial was tested 161 kilometers off the coast of Florida to evaluate US Navy’s USS Gerald R Ford’s ability of warfare conditions. The detonated bomb near the USS Gerald R Ford was weighted 18 tons. The US Geological Survey (USGS) announced that the explosion caused an earthquake with a magnitude of 3.9.

turkish stars aerobatic team perform stunt flying

An event was held on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Sakarya’s liberation from enemy occupation during the Turkish War of Independence. Turkish Stars, the national aerobatic team of the Turkish Air Force, performed a stunt flying over the city. On the other hand, within the scope of the events, the ‘Liberation Exhibition’ has […]

Climate change protesters demonstrate in london

Protesters against climate change gather outside the Science Museum in London, England. Students who were threatened with arrest by police after occupying the Science Building in London on June 19 are continuing their protests outside the museum. The museum’s decision to accept financing from oil and gas giant Shell has infuriated protesters.

mersin’s beaches in turkey await for visitors

Mersin Metropolitan Municipality in Turkey completed the preparations at the public beaches including Kızkalesi and Susanoğlu which have blue flag beaches. The places offer isolated sunbeds, and the increased number of showers, toilets, and changing rooms. They are disinfected regularly to serve the best comfort and hygiene for visitors.

Entertainment workers protest against covid-19 restrictions in germany

Entertainment workers, who had a hard time due to Covid-19 restrictions, protested in Berlin, Germany. They gathered on the Landwehrkanal to protest against the restrictions taken in the entertainment sector by conducting a boat party on the canal. The protesters demanded the restrictions to be lifted as soon as possible.    

iss astronauts go on spacewalk

International Space Station (ISS) astronauts went on a spacewalk to continue the installation of solar panels on the ISS, which was delayed due to technical problems last Wednesday. Astronauts Pesquet and Kimbrough from ISS Expedition 65 began the spacewalk by exiting the Quest airlock of ISS to continue the installation of the second part of […]

Commemoration holds for covid-19 victims in brazil

In Brazil, more than half a million people who lost their lives in Covid-19 pandemic were commemorated with 500 roses planted as tombstones at the famous Copacabana Beach in the city of Rio De Janeiro. The commemoration event was organized by the non-governmental organization Rio da Paz, and the government of Jair Bolsonaro was criticized […]

Climate Protesters close road in finland

In Helsinki, the capital of Finland, around 150 members of the environmental group Elokapina protested the government’s environmental policies, and closed the city’s busiest street Mannerheimintie to traffic. Protesters demanded Prime Minister Sanna Marin to move her commitment of “zero carbon emission by 2035” to 10 years earlier.

Mobile Vaccine Vehicles serve people in turkey

In Turkey, mobile vaccine vehicles has began to deployin the Balıklıgöl plateau and Topcu Square in order to facilitate the access of vaccine to the people and to reach larger masses. People vaccinated in Balıklıgöl, Turkey’s largest natural aquarium, enjoy the beauty of nature.