China displays tianhe module

China Manned Space Program Agency (CMSA) reported that 3 astronauts sent into space with Shenzhou-12 entered the core module Tianhe. With a total length of 16.6 meters, a diameter of 4.2 meters and a weight of 22.5 tons, the Tianhe module will serve as the control and management center of the Tiangong space station. The […]

Wild bear injures 4 in city center of Japan

A wild bear spread terror in the city center of Sapporo, Japan. A large number of security forces were dispatched to the region to neutralize the bear which is thought to be appeared in the town because of hunger. The bear injured 4 people before getting shot dead in an operation supported by helicopters.

severe floods and landslides hit nepal, 11 killed

Heavy rainfall caused floods and landslides in Nepal.  A total of 11 people including 1 Indian and 2 Chinese workers killed, and 25 people went missing. The workers died were working for the Chinese company that was running a drinking water project a local official Baburam Khanal said. Many houses and fish farms were damaged […]

Iranian presidential election begins

The 13th Iranian presidential election began today. There will be 59,310,307 voters in total and Abdolnaser Hemmati, Ebrahim Raisi, Mohsen Rezaee, Amir-Hossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi participated in the elections. The election results are expected to be complete by tomorrow noon. One of the candidates must receive 50+1 percent of the vote in order to be elected.

Turkey sends covid-19 vaccine to northern cyprus

Turkey sent 26,000 doses of Sinovac vaccine to Nicosia, the capital of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). It is projected that a total of 300,000 doses of coronavirus vaccine will be sent by Turkey to the TRNC within a week. The TRNC Minister of Health Ünal Üstel stated that they aim to vaccinate […]

Lebanese Go on strike as economic crisis worsens

A general strike held in Lebanon upon the call of the General Labor Union. Banks, government offices and many private companies closed as part of the strike in which the economic situation and living conditions in the country were protested. Most of the country’s leading political parties joined the strike with civil society organizations, and […]

fire breaks out in southern cyprus

A fire broke out in Ayia Marina Xyliatos region in the Greek Cypriot Administration (GCA) was extinguished early this morning. Due to the fire approximately 300 hectares of forest area, 80 hectares of which in the Adelphi forest, and agricultural products were damaged. The fire started at yesterday noon and was partially brought under control […]

China’s spacecraft Shenzhou-12 docks with the space station

China has successfully completed the first manned mission to the space station that it has begun to establish in Earth’s orbit. China Manned Space Program Agency (CMSA) announced that the spacecraft Shenzhou-12 carrying 3 astronauts into the first space station of China successfully docked with the Tianhe core module. It was stated that the whole […]

The city of gladiators : Kibyra

In Turkey, Burdur Governorate shared a promotional video of the Lycian Ancient City of Kibyra, located on the hills overlooking the Gölhisar plain. The ancient city of Kibyra also known as the City of Gladiators home to a basilica, upper and lower agora, bath, gymnasium, theater building, a mausoleum, round towered arch and waterways.

disneyland paris reopens after 7.5 months

Disneyland Paris which has been closed since October 30 due to the epidemic reopened after 7.5 months. It opened in accordance with the Covid-19 measures that it will be mandatory to wear masks for all visitors starting from age 6. The indoor play capacity is determined as 50 percent and outdoor play capacity as 65 […]