Elderly people in West Bank are receives the COVID-19 vaccine at home

Elderly people in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron, are getting the coronavirus vaccine in their own homes as a part of the vaccination campaign launched by Palestine Health Ministry. Citizens over the age of 75 get their doses without going to the vaccination centers. According to the Palestinian Health Ministry at least 70 […]

Barack Obama’s step grandmother buried in Kenya

Former U.S. President Barack Obama’s 99 year old Muslim step-grandmother Sarah Obama, died at dawn on 29 March.  Sarah Obama was buried by Muslim community in Kogelo, Kenya. Born in 1922 in a village on the shores of Lake Victoria, Obama’s grandmother, referred to as Mama Sarah, was the third wife of Hussein Onyango Obama, […]

Boston Dynamics introduces new robot: Stretch

U.S. based robotics company Boston Dynamics introduced a prototype of new robot which is called Stretch. It designed to mechanize box carrying duty in warehouses and distribution centers. Developing  ‘Stretch’ would make the warehouse operations safer and more effective for workers.  

A Turkish pilot flew with his parachute motorcycle

A Turkish pilot flew with his parachute motorcycle A Turkish pilot Hasan Kaval, who lives in Denizli, Turkey, flew over the white travertines of Pamukkale hooking motorcycle into parachute.  “I began to fly with parachute, for my childhood dream. The easiest way to fly and ı learnt it on my own. No one taught me. […]

The photograph of Lake Van taken from space is in the semifinal

The photograph of Lake Van taken by an astronaut from the Interantional Space Station is competing in the “Tournament Earth 2021” organized by NASA. While orbiting on the International Space Station, Astronaut Kate Rubins shot photograph of part of Lake Van in Turkey, which is the largest soda or alkaline lake on Earth. The photograph […]

In Guatemala, Pacaya Volcano’s lava reaches the nearby villages

Volcanic activity in Pacaya Volcano at an altitude of 2,552 meters in Guatemala, has been going on for about a month. Guatemala’s Pacaya Volcano’s lava which reached the village has been threatening nearby villagers. Some nearby villages and homes were affected by volcano and there was no death as the houses were empty. Authorities asked […]

Bereaved families drawing 150,000 hearts on Covid-19 Memorial Wall in London

A group of bereaved families has begun drawing 150,000 hearts on the Covid-19 memorial wall where is opposite of the Britain’s Houses of Parliament in London.  The campaign has been organised by the group Covid-19 Bereaved Families For Justice UK. They are calling for a public inquiry on the government’s handling of the COVID-19 outbreak. […]

UK relaxes tight COVID-19 measures, people flocks to the street

On Monday, hundreds of people flocked to the streets after starting to normalize its crackdown COVID-19 restrictions in UK. Hundreds of people enjoyed the spring weather at St.James’s Park in London, 29 March 2021. After easing lockdown measures for coronavirus pandemic, outdoor sport facilities such as swimming pools, tennis courts and golf courses are reopening […]

Worm Moon rises in Turkey’s cities

The first Super Moon of 2021 which is called the Worm Moon rose over İstanbul and Hatay, Turkey, on March 28, 2021. The meaning of the worm moon is that closer to Earth and appears bigger and brighter in the sky.