Poland in lockdown for a third time

Poland has introduced partial lockdowns after the number of COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic exceeded two million in the country. In Poland, non-essential shops, cinemas, concert venues, opera houses, shopping malls, hotels, cultural and sporting facilities were closed for three weeks. Also, schools will return to online learning. On Saturday, 26,405 new […]

Bears display after awakening in Turkey

The brown bears emerging from their caves after awakening from hibernation in Gümüşhane, the coastal city of Turkey. The mother Brown bear who came out of its cave with her 3 babies, playing with its cubs was recorded by the cameras. The images showed the brown bears eating the branches of the trees and the […]

Turkish scientists honored Germany’s Order of Merit

Turkish scientists Ugur Sahin ve eşi Ozlem Tureci who are developers of world’s first effective COVID-19 vaccine, have been honored with Germany’s Order of Merit by German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Steinmeier personally presented the Germany’s Order of Merit to Sahin and Tureci at a ceremony which held at the Bellevue Palace today. Prime Minister Angela […]

Tanzania’s first female President swears

In Tanzania, the fisrt female President, Samia Suluhu Hassan, has been sworn after death of her predecessor John Magufuli. Samia Suluhu Hassan who was born in Zanzibar, will address the nation after sworning in Dar es Salaam.  

French art historian published her book about 11 Turkish painters

French art historian Clotilde Scordia, published her book named “İstanbul Montparnasse” about on 11 Turkish paintress who had lived in France years ago. Scordia has mentioned experience and painting of Fahrelnissa Zeid, Fikret Mualla, Hakkı Anlı, Abidin Dino, Selim Turan, Avni Arbaş, Nejat Devrim, Mübin Orhon, Tiraje Dikmen, Remzi Raşa and Albert Bitran.  Scordia said […]

FBI releases video of 10 violent suspects from Capitol riot

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), released video of 10 violent suspects from Capitol riot to identify. Attack can be seen clearly in videos by suspects using stick, spray and other materials. FBI asked the people for helping to get any information about on 10 suspects who are still unidentified suspects and use violence on […]

Italy honors COVID-19 dead with monument on anniversary

On Thursday, Italy unveiled a living monument for more than 100,000 who lost their life because of COVID-19. Premier Mario Draghi,  participated in the ceremony and laid a wreath at Bergamo’s cemetery where most casualties were lost in the epidemic. Flags flew at half-staff around the country and public authorities observed a minute of silence. […]

Agricultural activities start in libareted Karabakh under the leadership of Turkey

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli has started agricultural activities in liberated Karabakh from occupation. Pakdemirli, planted saplings and seeds in Jabrayil and Zengilan with Azerbaijan’s Agriculture Minister Inam Karimov. “We always stand by friendly and brotherly Azerbaijan. We started the planting of 2,620 saplings in the Zengilan region. This is symbolic, much more […]

Perseverance Captures the Sounds of Driving on Mars

NASA’s Perseverance rover recorded its crunching on the surface of the Red Planet. More than 16 minutes of sounds recorded during the Perseverance’s driving 27.3-meter on March 7. The sounds were captured by Perseverance’s entry, descent, and landing microphone.  

Greeks protest against the government’s policy of Covid-19

Thousands of people took to the streets of Greek capital Athens on Wednesday to demonstrate against government’s policy of the pandemic and police violence against citizens. Health workers such as nurses, doctors and university students gathered in Syntagma Square. Demonstrators accuse  the government of using the pandemic to pass bills and provide resources to private […]