An orange alarm issued in Netherland against “Franklin Strom”

In the statement made by the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), it’s been announced that an orange code alarm was issued due to the “Franklin Storm” that will be effective in the country. While announcing that the strong wind will increase its effect between 08:00 PM and 11:00 PM local time, KNMI issued a warning especially for the northern and southern Dutch coastal cities. KNMI stated that the speed of the storm in the interior of the country will reach up to 90 kilometers per hour, while its speed will increase up to 120 kilometers in the coastal areas.

On the other hand, due to the ongoing yellow code warning across the country, some centers were closed in the afternoon. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination and test centers in the Almere and Haaglanden regions in the Netherlands stopped their service as part of the taken precautions. Also it’s been reported that train services will be reduced between the cities of Zaandam and Alkmaar as a result of the storm. In addition to that, due to the strong winds, citizens were warned to not go out unless it’s necessary.

Franklin StormNetherlandOrange alarmRoyal Netherlands Meteorological Institute
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