An Ottoman artifact Sherif Halil Pasha Mosque’s restoration completed in Bulgaria

Restoration work of the Ottoman artifact Sherif Halil Pasha Mosque in Bulgarian city of Shumen, which is the second largest mosque in the Balkan peninsula after the Selimiye Mosque in Turkey, has been completed. While being the largest mosque in the country and also known as the Tombul Mosque due to its dome, the Sherif Halil Pasha Mosque dazzles with its lighting systems after its restoration. The 40 meters high minaret of the mosque with a single balcony is uniquely revealed with its special lighting method.

In addition to that, a big iftar program was organized by Turkey’s Bursa city Osmangazi district Municipality at Sherif Halil Pasha Mosque due to the Qadr Night. Thousands of people were participated the program together with Osmangazi Mayor Mustafa Dündar, Turkey’s Ambassador to Sofia Aylin Eightkök, and Burgas Consul General Senem Güzel.

BulgariaOttomanSherif Halil Pasha MosqueTurkey
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