Ani Ruins in Türkiye Attract Numerous History Lovers

Ani Ruins, a historical city in Türkiye’s Kars that was inhabited by 23 nations, including the Byzantines, Seljuks, Ottoman Empire, and Russians throughout history, is in great demand from local and foreign tourists who love nature and history.

“We have a lot of foreign guests, especially in the summer season. One of the most important factors for this is that it is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. We are at a point where we can reach much better levels with sufficient promotions. Because the potential infrastructure is available for this, the city of Ani is one of the spots with beautiful views that everyone would like to come and see, we are waiting for everyone,” said Bengül Toprak, tourist guide.

The archaeological site, which includes artifacts such as Ebul Menucehr Mosque, the first Turkish mosque built in Anatolia, Amenaprgiç Church, Ani Cathedral, Dikran Honentz Church, and Abugamir Pahlavuni Church, was included in UNESCO’s World Heritage Site in 2016.

Işık Çapanoğlu

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