another kyrgyz search and rescue team arrives türkiye

A second search and rescue team from Kyrgyzstan was dispatched to Gaziantep to support the ongoing search and rescue efforts in Türkiye. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kyrgyzstan said that 83 rescue personnel, 3 doctors and 78 Kyrgyz tents were sent to the region.

Being greeted by Kyrgyzstan’s Ambassador to Ankara Ruslan Kazapayev and local authorities at the airport, the team started working on setting up the tents they brought for the earthquake victims. “Brotherly people of Türkiye are expecting our search and rescue teams. They are welcome. Kyrgyz people also supports and stands with Turkish people in such a difficult time,” Ambassador Kazakpayev said in a statement.




AidKyrgyzstanrescue teamtürkiye earthquake
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