Anti-War Jewish Protesters Arrested at US Congress

Anti-war Jewish demonstrators protested Israel’s attacks on Palestinians at the US Congress, demanding an end to US arms support to Israel. Organized by “Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP),” around 400 protesters wore t-shirts saying “Stop arming Israel” and “Not in our name,” and carried banners with messages like “Let Gaza live” and “Jews say stop the genocide.”

Despite the peaceful nature of the protest, Capitol Police deemed it “illegal” and detained several demonstrators who refused to disperse. A police statement clarified, “Demonstrations are not allowed in Congress buildings. We warned those who entered legally to end the demonstration or face arrest.”

The protest coincided with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Washington D.C., where he addressed the US Congress. His visit sparked further anti-Israel protests across the city, including outside his hotel.

IsraelJewishProtestersUS Congress
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