azerbaijan to preserve armenian-destroyed buildings after karabakh war in ganja

Azerbaijani government officials decided to protect the traces of Armenian destruction while construction and repair work continued in Ganja, one of the regions most affected by Armenian Armed Forces attacks during the Second Karabakh War. Concordantly, one of the areas where the missile landed will be preserved as an open-air museum. “The brutality of the Armenians against the Azerbaijani people must be stopped. It is important to preserve this place so that future generations and the world will see that the missile fired at Azerbaijani civilians by Armenians is killing children.” One of the residents of the city, Halilov, said.

More than 3,800 households, shops and public buildings were partially damaged in the city of Ganja as a result of missile attacks by the Armenian armed forces. On the orders of President Ilham Aliyev, approximately 3,200 buildings have been repaired, 12 houses have been rebuilt and completion work is underway.

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