blue stars of Trabzon’s plateau appear in northern Turkey

Kadıralak Plateau of Trabzon’s Tonya district, famous for its blue stars blooming in April every year, also known as the “Purple Plateau” in the region, started to take on blue and purple colors as the snow began to melt. The plateau, at an altitude of approximately 1,300 meters, 9 km from Tonya town center and 29 km from the Black Sea Coast, regained its appearance as a candidate to be a frequent destination for photography enthusiasts with the arrival of spring. Hearing that the flowers were blooming, the local residents flocked to the plateau.

Mehmet Akif Bektaş, a local resident, stated that the flowers start to bloom every year in April, “These flowers have a two-week lifespan. This year the flowers bloomed late. The snow has not completely disappeared, but the flowers have started to bloom. Everyone has photos of Kadıralak Plateau on their social media this season. We welcome everyone to the Kadıralak plateau,” he said.

Rabia Malkoçoğlu, who came to the plateau after hearing the blue stars’ bloom in Kadıralak Plateau, said, “I always try to come when the flowers bloom. It is a beautiful place. Its nature is beautiful. We want everyone to see it.”

Ozan Köse – Gökmen Şahin

Blue StarPlateauTrabzonTurkey
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