Caretta Caretta named Tuba traveled 17,500 kilometers

The caretta caretta named Tuba, first seen in 2019 laying eggs in Dalyan İztuzu coast in Turkey was given treatment for her propeller wounds. Tuba was then released back with a tracker on her shell to be monitored along her journey. After 3 years of being monitored, Tuba is now known to have traveled 17,500 kilometers around the world.

Sea Turtle Research, Rescue and Rehabilitation Center, the organization that treated the animal, shared their thoughts on an online post; “Tuba, which we are looking forward to how her journey will continue, provided data beyond our expectations and became the turtle we watched for the longest time. We do not know how much information she will continue to provide, but we look forward to the day when she will return to Dalyan to nest.

Caretta CarettaTurkey
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