Child Labor Plagues Adana’s Agricultural Sector

In Adana, where seasonal agricultural work attracts workers from other regions of Türkiye, children of agricultural laborers are missing out on education due to field work. Families from Şanlıurfa migrate to Adana for agricultural jobs, with children as young as Yusuf Şimşek (14) forced to work alongside their parents instead of attending school. Yusuf expresses his desire to study and pursue a career as a soldier or police officer if given the opportunity.

Gülçin Hanter, an advocate for agricultural workers, highlights the struggle to ensure children’s education, citing challenges like lack of access to schools and safety concerns. Eyüp Yörük, another worker, shares the predicament faced by his family, emphasizing the need for educational opportunities for their children.


Umutcan İşledici – Serkan Çetinkaya

AdanaagricultureChild LaborTurkiye
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