Cloud Seeding Risks: Unintended Consequences and Flood Concerns

Recent floods in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have sparked discussions about the use of cloud seeding to enhance rainfall. Meteorological Engineer Dr. Güven Özdemir explained that cloud seeding is a method developed to combat drought in areas with low rainfall by injecting substances like silver iodide or dry ice into clouds to induce rain. However, he warned that this method, if not carefully managed, can lead to unintended consequences, such as disrupting ecosystems or causing uncontrolled rainfall.

Dr. Özdemir emphasized that while cloud seeding can potentially alleviate drought conditions, it should be conducted in open areas away from urban centers to avoid negative impacts. He cited the recent flood in Dubai as an example of how uncontrolled rainfall can result from cloud seeding in densely populated areas. The method, he explained, relies on factors like cloud temperature, wind direction, and intensity, which must be thoroughly understood to prevent unforeseen outcomes.

Although cloud seeding can be a valuable tool in water resource management, Dr. Özdemir cautioned that its implementation requires significant investment and careful consideration of environmental factors. He noted that ongoing research and improvements are needed to mitigate the risks associated with cloud seeding and ensure its effectiveness without causing harm to natural ecosystems.


Furkan Serttaş

Cloud Seedingfloodsheavy rainUAEWeather
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