Container wall built on US-Mexico border

By order of Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, a 1.6-kilometer-long wall of 6.71-meter-high containers was built between the Mexican state of Sonora and the US state of Arizona. Governor Ducey said that he built the wall, which costed 6 million dollars, because they were insufficient to fight against drug traffickers due to financial problems.

By pointing out that the wall is located on the migration route of land animals in the region, the Arizona-based non-governmental organization called Sky Island Alliance stated that the wall would harm wildlife. The organization claimed that the wall was built to prevent immigrant entrance, which will benefit the governor as an advantage in the US midterm elections.

On October 21, the US government had ordered the removal of the wall for it was built on federal land without official permission. However, Governor Ducey accepted that he had not received authorization from anyone for the project and stated that they would continue construction of the wall.

borderdoug duceymexicoUS
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