dozens of false killer whale wash up on argentinian shore

Dozens of false killer whales washed up on shore and stranded near a pier in the southern Argentina city of Ushuaia. According to eyewitnesses, the false killer whales, which number between 40 and 50, attempted to reach the beach while ignoring the rocks on the beach. Following the incident, coast guard teams were dispatched to the area. Whales trapped under the pier and unable to return to the water were rescued with the help of those nearby.

The incident did not result in the deaths of any whales, authorities said. The mystery of why false killer whales behaves so strangely has yet to be solved. While the authorities did not issue a statement, social media users speculated that the animals washed up on the shore to escape their predators or because their navigational abilities were hampered by sea traffic.

argentinafalse killer whale
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