Evacuations from Ukraine’s war-torn city Mariupol continue

A convoy of 34 buses, still carrying civilians, left Mariupol for Berdyansk. Mariupol is one of the regions most affected by Russian attacks in Ukraine. “The new convoy of buses has set off for Berdyansk, where thousands of Mariupol citizens are waiting, and will arrive at its destination in the evening,” the Mariupol Municipality said in a statement. “The evacuation will, however, continue tomorrow morning for security reasons. So far, 75,000 people have been evacuated to Zaporozhye, where they have received assistance such as first aid, food, medical supplies, and accommodation. Thank you to the people who were saved by the Zaporozhye Governorate, the Mayor’s Office, the organizers, and the drivers. Together, we will save our country and lead us to victory,” the municipality added.

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