Failed Coup in Bolivia Sparks National Mobilization and International Condemnation

In Bolivia, former President Evo Morales called for a National Mobilization to defend democracy against a coup attempt led by General Juan José Zúñiga. This came after President Luis Arce urged citizens to take to the streets and made changes to the military administration. Thousands of Bolivians gathered in Plaza Murillo Square with national flags in hand.

As military units and armored vehicles began to withdraw, signaling the coup’s failure, President Arce addressed the crowd, thanking them and proclaiming, “Long live democracy.” Vice President David Choquehuanca echoed this sentiment, asserting that Bolivians would never allow coups again.

In a tense confrontation captured by Bolivian television, President Arce confronted General Zúñiga in the palace, asserting his authority as commander in chief and ordering the general to withdraw his troops.

Latin American leaders quickly condemned the coup attempt and voiced their support for Bolivia’s democratic process.

BoliviaFailed Coup
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