Fanatic Jews not allowed marching with flags in Israel

This year, as every year in Israel, fanatic Jews gathered at the Damascus Gate for the march of flags. But the Israeli police took action and didn’t allow the flag march of fanatic Jews from the Damascus Gate to the Western Wall in Israeli occupied Jerusalem, using the neighborhoods where Palestinians live. Fanatic Jews who was trying to march from West Jerusalem to East Jerusalem’s Old City, were blocked by the police in Tzahal Square. The police told the fanatics that they could proceed through the Jaffa Gate and from there they could march to the Western Wall. The fanatics, rejecting the offer of the police, went to Tzahal Square. While the police took intense security measures, clashes happened between the fanatic Jews and police from time to time. Fanatic Jews often chanted, “Arabs get out”, “Revenge” slogans, and also they chanted “Bibi is King” slogans in reference to former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Fanatic Jews also shouted anti-Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett slogans during the incident.

Damascus GateFanatic JewsIsraelJerusalemPalestine
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