Fear of war turns 13-year-old Ukrainian boy’s hair white

Russia’s attacks on Ukraine affect children the most. Children are among those killed and injured in the attacks. A 13-year-old Maxim, who lived in Kharkiv before the war, described what had happened since the beginning of the attacks. Maxim, who lives with his mother and siblings in a sports hall in Lviv, said that his hair turned white in a short time after the Russian attacks began.

“We were hiding in the rooms without windows in the house where we lived in Kharkiv. With my mother, brother, and a friend, we came to Lviv from Kharkiv. In Kharkiv, there have been several large explosions, and civilian homes and factories have been damaged. We used to spend most of our time at home. We took refuge in rooms with no windows so that if a bomb blasts, the windows would not shatter and injure us. We sat and waited for the bombs to stop exploding. We decided to come here because it was so bad. My hair turned white within three weeks of these events. They arrived in the heart of the city. Tanks roamed the streets, and warplanes flew overhead. I wish the war was over,” Maxim said.

Volkan Kayalar – İsmail Coşkun

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