Frank-Walter Steinmeier re-elected as Germany’s President

On Sunday, the presidential election has held in Germany. In the election, 1.437 out of 1.472 delegates voted at the federal congress. Frank-Walter Steinmeier has received 1.045 votes from the delegates, and re-elected as Germany’s President. President of the German Parliament Baerbel Bas chaired the election, which was held in the Paul-Löbe-Haus building next to the federal parliament building as part of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) measures. The opposition parties, along with the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), the Greens and the Free Democratic Party (FDP), which formed the federal government, supported the secret ballot. Max Otte from the Alternative for Germany Party (AfD), which is against Islam and immigration, received 140 votes in the election, Gerhard Trabert from the Left Party received 96 votes, and the candidate of the Free Voters Stefanie Gebauer received 58 votes. A total of 1.437 delegates voted in the election, with 86 abstentions and 12 invalids.

electionFrank-Walter SteinmeiergermanyPresident
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