Fuego Volcano in Guatemala spews ash and smoke

Fuego Volcano, located in the Latin American country of Guatemala, spewed ash and smoke. In the statement made by the Guatemala Institute of Volcanology (Insivumeh), it was stated that the volcano, which is about 35 kilometers from the capital Guatemala, has been active since last Sunday, and said, “Instrumental records have detected an increase in eruption activities in the volcano. There are 2 to 5 explosions per hour. Moderate to strong tremors are observed.”

Insivumeh also warned that increased activity at the volcano could cause a lava flow into one or more mountain passes. The ash and smoke spewed by the volcano, which is famous for being active at low levels almost continuously, travels up to a distance of 10 to 15 kilometers in the west and southwest direction.

Fugego Volcanoguatemala
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