Gaza Residents Turn Worn-Out Walls into Artistic Paintings to Celebrate Ramadan

Residents of Tal al-Zaytoun, one of the oldest Palestinian neighborhoods in the east of Gaza City, have found a creative way to celebrate the holy month of Ramadan. They have turned the worn-out walls of their buildings into artistic paintings that are filled with joy and pleasure, in order to bring happiness to the residents and change the behavior of their children, who have long suffered from the scenes of destruction and siege.

The initiative started with artist Mohamed Al-Saidi, who began by decorating his own house for Ramadan. When his neighbors admired the decorations, he decided to expand the project and decorate the entire lane, painting fifty houses in total. He then presented the idea to the municipality of Gaza, which provided everything necessary to successfully complete the project.

According to Al-Saidi, his message to every Palestinian citizen is that beauty can be created from things that we think have no value. The neighborhood’s beauty is the result of recycling ancient things that were put aside, such as car tires used for agriculture and some old wood. He believes that creativity can be achieved with minimal capabilities.

The murals in Tal al-Zaytoun carry various connotations and meanings. Some indicate the celebration of Ramadan, while others feature prayers, the word “Allah,” and the name of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. There is also a mural of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, as well as murals of roses and landscapes.

Al-Saidi hopes that this colored neighborhood model will be repeated in all Palestinian territories in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and all occupied territories. He believes that protecting the environment and spreading beauty should become a national duty.

GazaPalestineRamadanTal al-Zaytoun
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