hail storm sweeps mexico

Tennis ball-sized hail fell on Villa Hidalgo, Mexico. It was reported that some houses and vehicles were damaged in the incident. The disaster in the city of Villa Hidalgo in the Mexican state of San Luis Potos caused property damage. Due to the hail after the heavy rain that showed its effect in the city, the windows of some vehicles in the traffic were broken and the roofs of some houses were damaged.

Torrential rains will continue in the region, where authorities warned citizens about possible hail squall. In the statement made by the Mexican National Water Commission (Conagua), it was reported that heavy rains are expected in the states of Veracruz, Oaxaca, Hidalgo, Tamaulipas, Puebla, Tabasco and Chiapas, as well as the state of San Luis Potos due to the cold air wave that affected the country.

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