Heavy Snow Blanketed China


The recent cold wave sweeping through China resulted in substantial snowfall, blanketing streets and highways across the nation. In response to this wintry weather, authorities took precautionary measures, especially in major cities like Beijing, where the heavy snow posed challenges for transportation.

The extensive snowfall led to street closures and icy conditions, prompting the shutdown of certain highways to prevent accidents. Henan province witnessed multiple accidents due to icy roads and dense fog, highlighting the hazardous conditions. In Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and Gansu province, traffic was halted on several highways, while train services were suspended.

In Shanghai, the country’s financial hub, where temperatures were expected to plunge below minus 6 degrees, ferry and some bus services were suspended today. To address the snow-induced road closures, municipalities initiated intensive cleaning operations using machinery to facilitate road re-openings.

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