Iran Mourns President Ebrahim Raisi and Officials

Tens of thousands of Iranians gathered to bid farewell to President Ibrahim Reisi and his entourage, who tragically died in a helicopter crash last Sunday. The ceremony, held at Imam Khomeini Musalla Mosque in Tehran, also honored Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, East Azerbaijan Governor Malik Rahmeti, Tabriz Friday Imam Ayatollah Ali Hashim, bodyguard Seyed Mehdi Musevi, pilots Tahir Mustafavi and Mohsin Deryanush, and technician Behruz Gadimi.

Families of the deceased attended the emotional ceremony, where mourners wept as they paid their respects. The bodies of the President and the seven officials were present, allowing the public to say their goodbyes.

A further funeral ceremony is scheduled for today in Azadi Square, where Iranian Religious Leader Ali Khamenei will lead the funeral prayer.

Ebrahim RaisiIranOfficials
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