Iranian Cyclists Pedal against Pollution and Wars

A group of 17 Iranian cyclists who set out from Iran to travel around the world, aiming to raise awareness about environmental problems and call for peace in the world, continue their tour in Türkiye’s Erzurum province.

“We came to Türkiye from Tabriz, Iran, with a cycling group of 17 people called Shehr-i Raz. We are on the fourth day of our tour. There are 4 women and 13 men in our group. Our cyclist are from all around Iran. We pedal with the slogans ‘Let people be in unity’ and ‘Let the world stay green, let there be no war.’ We started our tour in Iran, entered Türkiye from the Gürbulak Border Gate, and stayed in Erzurum, Uzundere, Artvin, and Hopa. Now we will continue our tour in Rize,” said Sohrap Reza, one of the cyclists in the group.

Fatih Büyük – Fatih Tüysüz

bicycle tourIranianpeaceTurkiye
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