Located in Turkey’s Malatya, the 2,000-year-old Stone Bridge defies years

The 2,000-year-old Stone Bridge from the Roman period, located in the Malatya district of Arapgir, is one of the oldest stone bridges in Anatolia. Providing information about the bridge, which is 30 kilometers away from Arapgir district center and partially damaged, Arapgir Mayor Haluk Cömertoğlu said, “The Stone Bridge is a transition bridge from the Roman period, belonging to the Neolithic period, which provides connections on the Silk Road. It has a history dating back to almost two-thousand years. It is known as the most typical architectural examples of the period and the oldest untouched bridge in the Anatolian geography, in the form of a semi-dome placed on two main pillars. It is located in the Taş Köprü (Stone Bridge) hamlet, where the city and the settlements symbolizing both the pre-Roman rock tombs and the settled life in the region and the fairy chimneys of Kutan are located.

Mustafa Özbek, one of the residents of the region, stated that the historical bridge is standing tall despite the damage, and said, “When foreign people visit the region, they do not dare to cross the bridge. We think that such a historical structure is important for Arapgir and Malatya and we want the bridge to be taken under protection.”

Hasan Eryılmaz

ArapgirMalatyaStone BridgeTurkiye
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