mexican bcycle factory engulfed in fire

A fire broke out in the warehouse of a bicycle factory in Mexico City, the capital of Mexico. The flames spread in a short time and engulfed the entire 7,000 square meter warehouse where bicycle parts and accessories are located. Mexico City fire brigade came to the scene with 17 fire extinguishers and a team of 80 people. Firefighters made great efforts to prevent the flames from spreading to the surrounding houses and workplaces. As a result of the gradual spread of the flames and the resulting smoke, 200 people living in the surrounding area were evacuated from their homes for safety reasons. Authorities warned those in their homes to be careful against smoke intoxication and advised them to keep their doors and windows closed, and to leave their homes if necessary. While extinguishing works continued, municipal employees supported the works by carrying water with tankers. Security forces, on the other hand, closed the surrounding roads to traffic so that there would be no disruption during the extinguishing works. The fire was brought under control after 7 hours of work. While the authorities reported no loss of life, the cause of the fire is not yet known.

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