Mount Ararat dazzles with its beautiful snow view

While being the Turkey’s highest altitude with its height of 5.137 meters, Mount Ararat offers a different beauty with its white color after covered with snow in winter. Mount Ararat, which is also known as “Roof of Turkey” due to its high, can be viewed with all of its magnificence from Karagüney village of Iğdır, Turkey.

Hamit Savaş, one of the residents of the Karagüney village, stated that very beautiful photos were taken in the village and asked the people to take the photo of Mount Ararat from their own village. “Mountain Ararat is dazzling with its beautiful view. The most beautiful view of Mount Ararat in Turkey is in our village. We welcome everyone here to take pictures of the beautiful landscape”, Savaş said.

IğdırKaragüney villageMount AraratSnowTurkeyViewwinter
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