Nemrut Caldera Captured with Time Lapse Technique

Nemrut Caldera in Tatvan district of Türkiye’s Bitlis, which has the world’s second largest crater lake at its summit at 2,700 meters, was captured using the “Time Lapse” shooting technique. The dazzling natural wonder, which received the ‘Excellence Award’ in the European Distinguished Destinations Project, presented a visual feast under dense clouds.

“Shooting in Nemrut Caldera provides the opportunity to capture new and fascinating views every time. With its lush green nature in summer and snow-covered view in winter, Nemrut Caldera is always impressive. Shooting here offers the perfect opportunity to document different faces of nature,” said Hakan Okay, a nature photographer.


Hakan Okay

Nemrut Calderaphotographytime-lapse
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