New Burial Type from Urartian Period Discovered in Eastern Türkiye


Located in eastern Türkiye, in Van’s Gürpınar district, excavations at Çavuştepe Castle have uncovered a previously unknown Urartian burial method. The discovery was made in the necropolis area of the castle, which has yielded significant historical finds over the years.

Led by Prof. Dr. Rafet Çavuşoğlu of Van Yüzüncü Yıl University’s Archeology Department and with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism’s permission, this season’s excavations began on July 16, 2024. The site revealed the ashes of a cremated body buried directly in a cist grave, a first for this location.

Previously, four different burial methods were identified in the necropolis: cremation with ashes in jars, direct ground burials, stone-lined burials, and urn graves. This new find adds to the understanding of Urartian burial customs, offering fresh insights into their funerary practices.


Yılmaz Sönmez

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