Perseid Meteor Shower Lights Up Ancient City in Türkiye

The ancient city of Sardes, located in Manisa, Türkiye, offered a stunning backdrop for the Perseid meteor shower, one of the year’s most anticipated celestial events. This historical site, once the capital of the Lydian Kingdom and significant during Roman and Byzantine times, drew astrophotography enthusiasts due to its location away from city lights. The Temple of Artemis and the Gymnasium provided a picturesque setting as hundreds of meteors streaked across the sky. The event was captured in striking timelapse footage, showcasing the natural beauty of the Perseid meteor shower against the backdrop of the Milky Way.

The Perseid meteor shower occurs annually in August when Earth passes through the debris left by the Swift-Tuttle comet, with the meteors appearing to originate from the Perseus constellation.


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manisaperseid meteor showerSardesTurkiye
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