Popocatepetl Volcano erupted second time in last 24 hours

After eruption on Thursday, Popocatepetl Volcano in Maxico erupted second time in last 24 hours on Friday. According to statement released by Mexico National Center for Prevention of Disasters (Cenapred), there was lava and ash outburst from the volcano with the effect of the eruption, and a small-scale volcanic earthquake occurred. It was reported that ashes formed a 1 kilometer high cloud, and it may move in the northeast direction and cause ashfall in this region. Residents in Puebla and Tlaxcala been urged to take precautions against getting poisoned due to ashfall, which may be harmful to health. The authorities warned citizens to stay away from the volcano, noting that fragments could fall the volcano at any time as a result of the explosion.

eruptionmexicoMexico National Center for Prevention of DisastersPopocatepetlvolcano
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