Pregnant immigrants left to die by Greece gave birth in Turkey

Approximately 15 days ago, 11 Senegalese immigrants were gone on a boat in İzmir city of Turkey in order to immigrate Greece. After being caught by Greek Coast Guard Command personnel off the Aegean Sea, immigrants transferred to refugee camp on Samos Island. Immigrants with including 2 pregnant women were interrogated while stripped naked also their belongings and money have been seized during their 1 day stay in the island. Later on, all the immigrants also including pregnant women, who were not subjected to any health check-ups, were send back into Turkish waters by being put on a boat after a day they spend in the camp. On November 15, immigrants were rescued by Turkish Coast Guard Command. After completion of their treatments, Pregnant immigrants named Zeynep Samua and Fatıma Ba were started their preparations to give birth at Dokuz Eylül University (DEÜ) Research And Training Hospital in İzmir city. While 34 weeks long pregnant Samua gave birth to twin boy by caesarean delivery, the babies were named Hasan and Hüseyin. Meanwhile, after giving birth by normal delivery, Ba took her baby girl named Zehra in her arms.


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