russian bank employee robs bank, gets caught

Anna Grigorieva, 30, a bank employee in Krasnoyarsk, Russia, vanished with the money she stole after work. On December 6, Anna Grigorieve left the bank where she worked, carrying 15 million rubles, $49,000, and $49,000 euros in her purse and pockets. In addition to Russian police, inspectors from the Russian Interior Ministry assisted in the search for the woman. While the bank employee’s husband was being held on suspicion of collaborating, the employee’s mother called and asked her daughter to surrender. When the employee, unable to bear the pressure, agreed to surrender, she was apprehended by Russian police at the address she reported. Only 180,000 rubles were seized during searches of the employee’s home, which was detained by Russian police. The bank employee told police she spent the money in her statement, but the investigators found out otherwise.

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