Seyfe Lake Bird Sanctuary in Türkiye Dries Up


Seyfe Lake Bird Sanctuary in Kırşehir, Türkiye, once a vibrant habitat for cranes and flamingos, has completely dried up and transformed into a desert. This lake, formerly a haven for numerous bird species and a favorite spot for bird watchers, now presents a barren landscape littered with garbage left by visitors.

Murat Mustafa Kaya, who visited the lake, expressed disappointment, noting the stark contrast between the photos online and the current desolate view. Şükrü Koç shared similar sentiments, stating he was shocked by the lack of water.

The sanctuary, especially popular during spring and autumn migrations, has lost its allure, leaving visitors saddened by its current state.


Enderhan Öz

bird sanctuaryDry upSeyfe LakeTurkiye
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