storm nadia lashes nothern germany

The ‘Nadia’ storm, which hit the port city of Hamburg in Germany, flooded the fish market, and train and ferry services were canceled. While the speed of the wind was recorded as 110 kilometers per hour on the Baltic Sea coast and the Danish border, the planes that could not land at Hamburg Airport were diverted to Cologne and Hannover due to adverse weather conditions. The German Meteorological Service warned drivers not to get on the highway unless they have to. It was reported that 300 rescue operations were carried out due to the storm, while the fire brigade and police remained on alert throughout the night. In many districts of Hamburg, trees fell, roofs were blown off, barricades in constructions were destroyed. The hard objects flying in the air with the effect of the wind caused material damage to the vehicles and the environment. While a 3.5-ton truck overturned on a highway bridge, 8 people were slightly injured due to the falling of a tree on the highway.

The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) has warned of a new threat of severe storms for the north coast.

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