The nature park with an altitude of 1,604 meters attracts attention in Çankırı

Hazım Dağlı Nature Park, located in Yapraklı plateau in Turkish city of Çankırı, has become a frequent destination for daily visitors. With the warming of the weather, people visit the nature park at an altitude of 1,604 meters to enjoy nature. People enjoy the scenery by cycling, hiking and picnicking in the nature park with an area of 126 hectares. Meadow and scotch pine surrounded Hazım Dağlı Nature Park also attracts those who want to camp.

Nature Park Operator Isa Yaman stated that many buildings were built as well as an organic market, 20 bungalow houses, 30 tents and caravan areas during the ongoing project. “An undiscovered natural wonder. We often hosted our citizens here during the pandemic. We have 7 bungalow houses. We welcome our daily guests from Çankırı and outside the city in our picnic area,” Yaman said.

ÇankırıNature ParkTurkey
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